Wednesday, 14 August 2013

hollyrenee ~the truth

Hello reader,
I'm still wiping the tears away;) from my chat with my good friend hollyrenee.
To begin with I'd like to mention who holly is, really.
hollyrenee, a ledgendary moviestar with a heart of gold<3
holly receives unnecessary hate and disgusting lies at what seems only 25% of the time, from those seeing through eyes of envy and impatient thinking, but most of the time she is loved by fans and friends for many reasons, a few reasons I can prove with these pictures below. 
I made this blog post instead of an art book because I felt I could write more freely and show these pics:3
I love every minute I talk with holly, I gained her trust slowly with a patient mind, and instantly I caught a look of her warm heart she shares with everyone, including MEEEE.

Holly is working hard to get herself to page 1 of high scores along with generously helping others..she has recently proved she means something to me and I think it's returned by her<3
Thank you dear hollyrenee for the support, friendship, help, trust and love you share with me regularly despite the lag<3
Ari :) xx

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My Goals ^.^

Hello readers:) 
So since I haven't made a post in a while I'd just like to simply talk about my goals, including levels, friends, etc. So...

Well first off my dream level is obvs 25, but realistically 18, I'm getting there, kind of slowly but gettin there, big thanks to my proud friend hollyrenee and 4TH BFF Alicia Swift:)
I will cherish the day Candired adds me, I'm not crazy over her obviously, she's just good at everything she does & is sweet enough already;)
But what I really really really would love, is the PERFECT 4 best friends<3
I'm getting there;)
Thanks for reading my short "just to keep you updated" post ^.^