Saturday, 30 November 2013

Thursday, 28 November 2013

A little bit of INSPIRATION ♥♥♥

If ur here because of my current status to check out my blog post then the one I was referring to was the one before this :)

But to anyone else.. I've been needing a bit more inspiration in my life.. It's not all easy right now for me and I know it isn't for some of you too..

Oh and this one is dedicated to Holly & Candi & their angelings (i) :


My Family on msp..

I am back from my short break yay! <3

I was only off for about 4 or 5 days but that's all I needed after what previously happened on msp..

The reason I took the break WAS NOT because the person who was my boyfriend accused me of cheating -_- although I was very upset to be accused of such a thing, that isn't the reason why.

Msp that night caused a massive argument between me and my sister... People who were close to us were making up things and eventually me and my sister had a huge fight.. We were both so mad. 

MY SISTER IS CandiNinja 


I am aware she is a little crazy and things lol and Ninja and I have totally different personalities so it may be strange to take in that we are sisters and as her older sister,

I WILL NOT hesitate to stand up for her if you are mean to her for no reason..

This doesn't mean I will get involved if u and her have a negative discussion because I hate arguments! :D 

Things will always be the same.. But after  msp caused our last fight I will be taking more care of how I treat her and we will be sticking together and we won't let anyone break us up again

Again this doesn't mean we share the same opinions (i) or have the same friends because I couldn't care less if she is friends with someone who I dislike and she is the same with my friends :D

Just to let you know I am taking no more BS from fight stirrers and as always..


Lol dan and phil :D

Friday, 22 November 2013

Leave him alone -_-

I'd like to tell a few people a few things..

Firstly you know who you 4 are and I'd like you to stop making these vicious remarks and tormenting kyle..

And I see the foul language you all speak and I see every single comment left on his wall and there have been one or two about me in the past -_- saying I deserve better blah blah..

I can easily click one button and report you all for cyber bullying and bad language and I don't waste my time on people like you when I can report and block.. Although apparently blocking means ur scared to face a fight to me it means 'ew never contact me again' lol :D

I was so mad today when I had to come to his room and sort it out but of course everyone on this game enjoys nipping at my heels until I fall.. And as I say I don't waste my time as time is precious ;)

So please, 

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Sprinkles here!

I'm scrolling down roxy-1's wall bc apparently the girl is being 'hardcore hated on' because of 'the crime' bugs committed... And after just half a minute I've found this already:

And this is why I'm angeling -_- you don't see angelings doing this now do you? (i)

And on top of that there was no hate. Case closed -_-

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Update! (Real Life & MSP)

For those of you magical rabbits reading, this post is an update on what's happening in my life and on msp.

I finally reached my DREAM LEVEL!!!!! Well of course that isn't level 20 or 25. But I consider myself in HIGH LEVELS now :D an I have all of you to thank for that but mostly these people:
J e m m a
hollyrenee (you know you helped lol)
harmanpreet12 backup
Candired, adding me to a part of Black Widow helped SO much ♥
Kiticat & toffeewoffee are the biggest helpers on msp EVER, always the 1st to love my looks or rate my movies and always send greets and wishies and even made a video each about helping me :O

So thanks for my dream level! 18!


Also for msp I'd like to just ask, why do you still ask if I'm isha? As if my status isn't clear enough that I am angeling? I will forever support my wifey holly and her bestie, also a good friend of mine, Candired. Why? Here is a message candi sent me when I almost quit a long time ago because of something that is now behind me and others o_e 

As for holly I have so many messages from you that bring me to smile :D


I left this bit to the end so only people who care will read, a few weeks ago I took a short break from msp to sort out my life. It's something that's ongoing in real life and idk when it will stop but things are getting better. I haven't told anyone on msp what's happening and u all have respected that :) 
I may tell my BFF's in the future an I know I have dropped hints to a few but for those who were concerned still, I got a message yesterday from a person that knows who they are asking if things were okay in real.. Well it is, I guess but thanks for all supporting me :)


I think that's it

Oh no WAIT :D
If you haven't been watching I have a new 'series' named RANDOMS. It's not really a series considering each episode is entirely different and I can never be committed to a series, I have a little art book all about it so please read and keep watching because I check the comments to each one all the time and you guys love them! I hear they cheer you up and make you laugh so please give it a try if you haven't :)


Thanks for everything,
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for being EPIC :O


Saturday, 16 November 2013

Where NOT to find me ;)

Will y'all stop asking if I have twitter please lol.. I know I'm fab and you wanna talk outside of msp but tough turtles, no I don't have twitter and I don't plan on making one so if you wanna talk, talk on here or on google+ cause they're the only social things I use for msp.. In fact they're one of the only social things I use what so ever other than snapchat and bbm, BOTH PRIVATE. I'm a massive hater of Facebook and twitter and all those things and I don't have an account on any of them and never have, I only use google+, YouTube, snapchat and bbm. So I don't WANT to make an account on twitter please ;) ever.. Or anything else for that matter bc I deeply despise social sites, they don't need to exist jmo but anyway that's all <3

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Dying my Hair

That is it, I am dying my hair this colour as soon as the blonde gets out of my hair :o 

Ariana's by the way :P

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

London FIREWORKS!! ^___^

Yes so happy bonfire night! :) the night where all is Brits light fireworks and set them off, they have been going off in London all night, even some outside my window: 
There we MUCH more impressive ones than this.. But in this little area they we kinda far away, and I didn't take take pics of the ones that wre closer... HAPPY BONFIRE NIGHT! :)

Sunday, 3 November 2013

News & Thankyou's (late I know D:)

Sorry about these thank you's being late, lol I hate posting on a computer so I wait to post on my iPod, so usually it involves me sending screenshots to myself through email D: ugh long process in the end, but I have this awesome app on my iPod and iPad where you can get to sites with adobe flash, like msp but nowadays it's SO LAGGY (well on my account anyway) anyway lol I got a few pics from there so here we go :D

Thanks kieraleoni for the greeting! Lol random but thanks Hun :)

And this is soooo late, but thank you AmandaMatthews for buying my whole wishlist randomly! I know u have been doing it for load of ppl so yes I am jealous of ur kindness lol, I did take pics but forgot to email them, but thanks anyway :D

And finally, I have just realised how some players joined in mid 2012 and are on level 6 - 10 while I joined about 6 months ago and Im halfway to level 18! :D I have no one else to thank other than my BFF's because we all know I don't work for the fame at all, I only chat lol, but not anymore I am going to be releasing some funny shorts soon, on for about a minute or less each, because I can never be committed to a series D:
Yes my first one goes up on Monday and it will have my BFF's and my helpers in it :D but up to now, I've been mainly relying on others for fame, so big thanks to:
Alèx, my wifey :P
Hollyrenee, my wifey :D
Harmanpreet12 backup :) my dorotia
J e m m a
toby mcguire
Kiticat (numbers lol u know who u are)
And more :) but thank u all so much I love u each SOOOO much and yes,
Bye :) xx


Lol me and my wifey Jem were arguing about who gets to have danisnotonfire :D 
This guy lol and this is what she said :D

This was on my back up btw and she don't look like that anymore O.O the icons are slow lol
Peace out :D

Saturday, 2 November 2013


Yes lol me and my special Dorotia and Heriberto (Harmy and Holly) had an all nighter :D well not so much for holly lol as she is in America :D
Sorry I stole this from harmy's blog :p love u both very much and GOSH tonight was fun lol (i) 
Better be getting to sleep now... It is exactly 6:00am hehee night <3 
Love Pepito <3