Sunday, 17 November 2013

Update! (Real Life & MSP)

For those of you magical rabbits reading, this post is an update on what's happening in my life and on msp.

I finally reached my DREAM LEVEL!!!!! Well of course that isn't level 20 or 25. But I consider myself in HIGH LEVELS now :D an I have all of you to thank for that but mostly these people:
J e m m a
hollyrenee (you know you helped lol)
harmanpreet12 backup
Candired, adding me to a part of Black Widow helped SO much ♥
Kiticat & toffeewoffee are the biggest helpers on msp EVER, always the 1st to love my looks or rate my movies and always send greets and wishies and even made a video each about helping me :O

So thanks for my dream level! 18!


Also for msp I'd like to just ask, why do you still ask if I'm isha? As if my status isn't clear enough that I am angeling? I will forever support my wifey holly and her bestie, also a good friend of mine, Candired. Why? Here is a message candi sent me when I almost quit a long time ago because of something that is now behind me and others o_e 

As for holly I have so many messages from you that bring me to smile :D


I left this bit to the end so only people who care will read, a few weeks ago I took a short break from msp to sort out my life. It's something that's ongoing in real life and idk when it will stop but things are getting better. I haven't told anyone on msp what's happening and u all have respected that :) 
I may tell my BFF's in the future an I know I have dropped hints to a few but for those who were concerned still, I got a message yesterday from a person that knows who they are asking if things were okay in real.. Well it is, I guess but thanks for all supporting me :)


I think that's it

Oh no WAIT :D
If you haven't been watching I have a new 'series' named RANDOMS. It's not really a series considering each episode is entirely different and I can never be committed to a series, I have a little art book all about it so please read and keep watching because I check the comments to each one all the time and you guys love them! I hear they cheer you up and make you laugh so please give it a try if you haven't :)


Thanks for everything,
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for being EPIC :O
