Thursday, 12 December 2013

For Jem ♥

I'm sorry that I've been ignoring u lately :s or I know you miss me calling you BFF or telling you I love you ...

I really do love you from the bottom of my cold heart ... lol ... 

I have never once faught with you or disagreed with anything you've said, I've never even been secretly mad with you or anything.

I noticed today that I take what I have for granted ... Although I feel like I have nothing, nothing to be happy about, nothing to live for etc. I was wrong, I am so lucky to have YOU in my life, you have been there every tiny tear I shed and I can't ever repay you for that

I mean fgs I don't even tell my real 'friends' the things I tell you ... Me an my rl friends don't have the bond that we have and it makes me sad ... But it shouldn't because I have you

I'm so sorry for not being there, I don't really have much of an excuse anymore... My life is still having ups and downs but I have so much free time on my hands now and I want to spend more of it with you 

Because I smile most when I'm with you Jem and I can be the real vintagesprinkles with you, I will try my hardest to show my love to you even though its frustrating cause of this damn game and I just wish you could be here with me and I could just hug you and not let go

Argh I'm tearing up lol

I am so happy to have you in my life and once again my love for you is unreal, I literally love you like a twin and I don't care if I get to be a super high level with load of fans lol (not like it would happen hehe) I am taking you with me because you deserve all the fans and fame you can get for all you've done for me

I don't wanna end this post because I could go on about how much I love you and right now i feel so happy just typing about you

But I have to or you will die because its getting to long and I DONT WANT THAT! D:


Love you to Mount Everest and back and to Pluto and back and to the earths core then back and right to the bottom of my heart and back

Love sprinkles, your best friend and sister for life ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


  1. Whenever am sad or lonely I read this :* ♥ Ily soooooo much BFF Stay with me 4eva
