Monday, 7 October 2013

Double Congrats to Hollyrenee

Okay I'm trying to make it short because I am aware I drag things on a little ;)
I'd like u all to congratulate one of my best friends hollyrenee on both success and engagement! Holly finally reached 1st page on hs, all thanks to her own hard work along with Candired and other friends and angelings, so we new to keep you there holly looool, also if u haven't heard, holly and boy-got-swag are engaged! I found out today after hearing rumours then going to candireds gb and asking and candi replied with a 'YES!!<3' so I guess candi is saying its true and she's excited, I am too! Holly and swag are both good friends of mine and I've been saying all along this was right to happen, congrats to holly twice, and also swag :* 
But even though u are on top page now, I'm still going to talk to u all the time and never giving up on our friendship <3


  1. Thank you so much for this Sprinkles! Yes we are still bffs.. and fame or fortune wont come between us.. Yes me & Swag are engaged :) He asked me a week or so ago & I said yes last night <3 thank you again <3hollyrenee

  2. Awwwwwhhhhhhhh It's soooooo sweet.
