Wednesday, 9 October 2013

To All Tha Players :D

Being played ;)

Is played the right word for this situation?

I find the perfect guy...or so I think ;D and 2 of my best friends tell me the guys a player, so going with the girl code it's a natural thing to trust my best msp friends and break up with him...
Yes I saw his comment on my best friends wall asking her out seconds before me..
So today he was online and I apologised for being rude to he asks me out a second time, I say yes ;)
My bffl being the overprotective nut she is leaves a comment all like 'If u ever hurt my sprinkles...etc.' why ty ily Alicia :* and yes she was right he broke up with me an hour later for another girl ;)

Am I the only one who wants a perfect msp boyfriend without it being to weird or untrustworthy? Not sure but I feel like I'm missing out ;) I did have a bf for 3 months but we fought a lot near the end so am still looking but fine being single for now ^__________^

At least I have this guy in my life

Goodnight, love sprinkles <3

1 comment:

  1. Nice,And Good night ^_____________________________________________________________________^
