Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Mine, Alex's and Olivia's MALL WEDDING!

Hey! :)
You're probably Alex or Liv or BLUEY (d)

So me and Alicia and Sophie all decided to get married to one another in the mall, taking turns at the brides and vicar lol, BY NO MEANS are we into girls or have little crushies on each other looolz, this was just for fun...And wow are we glad out fiancés never saw us O_O
The end of liv's and Alex's wedding (I only starting taking pics at the kiss of theirs lol
Lol that was mine and Alex's wedding ily as a BFF alexis :*

And that was mine and Olivia's wedding :D ily2 my SXC BFF ;
BFF's forever <3
(And Jem ;)) (and bluey) (and more loool) <3

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